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untitled - oil on canvas 161x110cm

This is the work of a passionate painter whose artistic journey is fueled by an intriguing blend of interests in randomness, abstract art, and the profound philosophical musings of renowned artists like Gerhard Richter and Mark Rothko.

My fascination with randomness manifests in this approach to painting. It seems, each stroke of the brush is an exploration of chance, guided by intuition rather than preconceived notions of form or structure. Through this process, a painter seeks to capture the essence of chaos and spontaneity, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the unpredictability of the creative process.

Inspired by the philosophical insights of Gerhard Richter, I embrace the notion of painting as a reflection of the complexities of existence. Richter's exploration of the interplay between reality and abstraction resonates deeply, influencing an artistic vision and prompting a deeper exploration of the nature of perception and representation.

Similarly, the transcendent works of Mark Rothko serve as a guiding light for painters artistic pursuits. Rothko's masterful use of color and form to evoke emotional depth and spiritual resonance inspires me to delve into the realm of the sublime, seeking to evoke profound emotional responses through their art.

As I continue to navigate the ever-shifting landscape of abstract art, they remain steadfast in their commitment to embracing randomness, exploring the depths of philosophical inquiry, and paying homage to the visionary artists who have paved the way before them. 

untitled - oil on canvas 161x110cm

What we do

untitled - oil on canvas 92x103cm

untitled - oil on canvas 161x110cm

The tradition of oil painting is a rich and storied lineage that spans centuries of artistic expression. Dating back to ancient times, the use of oil-based paints gained prominence during the Renaissance, revolutionizing the way artists captured light, texture, and depth on canvas.

Oil painting offers a versatile and enduring medium for artists to convey their vision with unparalleled richness and nuance. By blending pigments with oils such as linseed or walnut, artists can achieve a wide range of effects, from delicate glazes to bold impasto strokes.

In the contemporary art world, the tradition of oil painting remains alive and vibrant, with artists exploring new techniques, styles, and subjects while honoring the time-honored principles of craftsmanship and expression. Whether capturing the beauty of the natural world, exploring abstract concepts, or delving into the depths of the human experience, oil painting continues to serve as a timeless and enduring form of artistic expression.


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